7 Top Tips for a Successful Staff Relocation

Moving offices can go one of two ways. It can be a total moral booster, forcing everyone to come together and work as a team and create a fantastic new business space. Or, it can be a particularly stressful period where everything falls apart, with setbacks and delays. So, obviously, we want to go for option A, and not option B. Here’s how to pull off a successful staff relocation, with 7 top tips to help you do it.

1) Start early

Start early on booking the moving company, telling your staff and your clients about the move. Everyone should have a clear idea of when it’s happening and where you’re moving to. Don’t wait until a week before you’re supposed to move.

2) Give everybody a task to focus on

Moving is a team effort, so it’s vital that people in your team have their own area of the move to handle. You should be delegating tasks to people in the office, so that the load is shared among everybody’s shoulders and not just yours.

3) Set goals and rewards

Give your staff something to look forward to as a reward for their hard work in organising a successful relocation. This could mean a staff party in the new space, a bonus, or something similar.

4) Value, value, value

With any service you pay for, some are going to be great value and others are going to be poor value. Value doesn’t necessarily mean the cheapest service, but the best service for the money. There’s not much point in going with the cheapest bunch of movers if they don’t show up on time or handle your equipment properly.

5) Leave behind unnecessary items

There’s no point in taking unused items to your new office. You want your space to be set up as quickly and neatly as possible, and we’re sure that there are many items that won’t be missed if you left them behind before moving.

6) Label, label, label

Label what’s fragile and what’s not. Remember, people handle crockery and glassware more carefully than they’d paper reports.

7) Hire the best in the business

A huge part of organising a successful staff relocation lies in hiring the best moving team in the business. NZ Van Lines aren’t just experts in residential moves: they offer a specialist office relocation service. They’ve helped New Zealand businesses get into bigger or smaller spaces, allowing for growth and maximum productivity. No job is too big or too small for NZ Van Lines, so to arrange a successful staff relocation at the best value price, talk to the team today, call: 0800 362 236

Need tips on office relocation? Read our blog about the 5 best tips for corporate moving.

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